Month: May 2013

  • …june 22…

    so i decided that i would quit.  getting paid is nice, but when you can’t get higher than your rank, is it worth it to stay? at 12/hr i’m sure i can do better.  so i’ve decided.  I’ll even take a part time job and volunteer to gain certain experience that i want for my dream job.  it’s upsetting.  i’m 26 this august and i feel so unaccomplished.  it’s sad i think no?  

    so my final date will be june 22.  hope i get a job soontime. 


  • …school…

    I vowed to look for a new job.  I did.  But I didn’t really end up getting a new one.  Sadly, I have failed at getting a new job.  But in all honesty, I simply never gave myself the greatest opportunity to look.  If I wasn’t busy with working, I’d be busy with life stuff like fixing my car, buying groceries and all that jazz.  

    I’ve decided to go back to school.  Rather, I had applied to go fulltime to go back to school and volunteer (if possible) to get the job I want in the future.  At the time, I thought it was worth while.  It’s for a program where all the skills for future jobs that I want are readily available.  At least I won’t have to “lie” on my resume to get that job.  At the time, my parents said they’d support me since it’s obvious that I have no where to go if I stay in retail.  I say at the time because my mother doesn’t seem so enthused by my news that I got accepted to the program.  The bf has never really supported me with the idea of going back to school.  He believes I’ll get the jobs I want even though I honestly don’t have much (if at all) training in that field.  He says they’ll train me.  

    I have to start doing more things that I’m uncomfortable with.  I have to go meet more people.  My network is small.  Well, it’s not really THAT small.  It’s just that I haven’t met all the right people to find me that job I’m looking for.  

    But I’m going back to school for something I want to do. Since it’s obviously something I want to do, maybe it’s not too late to apply for volunteer positions for what I want to do.  I finally have a goal in mind.

    However, now the biggest question is whether I go back to school or just volunteer for the same amount of time…..



  • …hiatus…

    haven’t felt like blogging in a long time.  I haven’t really felt like doing much of anything these days.  i almost just come home from work and veg.  perhaps it’s because of the 11 hour days i generally pull.  

    need a new job.  hahah, i’ve been saying that for a long time no?  it’s hard to get a new job when i have one.  it really makes me want to quit my job and be unemployed just to find that new job.  

    i am thinking of volunteering at a place that will teach me to use a program called raiser’s edge.  why?  if i’m pursuing certain jobs in the non-profit sector, most of the jobs that i really want require me to use this program.  Although I do not really need formal training for most computer programs, it would be nice to have it.  would be something i can claim on my resume.  However, blackbaud is pretty much the only company that sells a training program for it.  hahaha, great:P money i don’t have have:P  but education has always been like that.  hence, i want to volunteer to learn the program.  the other option is work for a data entry company that uses that program.  maybe some data entry company would let me work for them?  i dunno.  



    also opened an rrsp acount….yay…i always though i had one, but i was wrong.  

    btw, apparently i have a 9% growth rate with my investments.  too bad i have so much osap debt to pay off that i can’t invest more.  for the money i have saved, half of it would be going into osap.  i’ll be bringing my debt down from 19k down to 15k at least! i’m excited.  in less than a year, i’ll have brought my osap down 10k since i originally started with 25/26k….but i only make approximately 21k a year…..hahahaha.  so i find that feat impressive.  my mother helped me with 5k though.  so i am feeling a tad bad about that.  

    should help my bf do some investment with his money too.  

    i’m still excited to bring down my debt.  need a better job so i can bring it down faster.  they gave me 114 months to pay my student debt off.  but it seems i’ll be able to pay it off much sooner:D  

    like staying on a diet, i must be more disciplined.  i have 20 lbs to lose….go down from 165 to 145….ergs….feeling sooo heavy.  must eat better and have a healthier lifestyle.  

    anyways, sorry for my all over the place update.  off to get ready for work now